Frontiers in Sociology of Education
Scholarly analysis in the sociology of education has burgeoned in recent decades. Frontiers in Sociology of Education aims to provide a roadmap for sociologists and other social scientists as they set bold new directions for future research on schools. In Part 1 of this forward-looking volume, the authors present cutting-edge research to set new guidelines for the sociological analysis of schools. In Part 2, notable social scientists, historians, administrators and educators provide a wide-ranging array of perspectives on contemporary education to insure that scholars make creative and broadly informed contributions to the sociological analysis of schools.
Wilson, William Julius. "Improving Grades: Urban Public Schools, Racial and Socioeconomic Segregation, and the Promise of Innovation." Frontiers in Sociology of Education. Ed. Maureen T. Hallinan. Springer, 2011, 265-272.