Ecology Law Quarterly
Vol. 36, Issue 4, Pages 789-808
This Article analyzes the role that
linkage between emission trading systems could play in a future
international climate policy architecture. Cap-and-trade systems,
regional, national, and international in scope, are emerging as a
preferred instrument for addressing global climate change throughout
the industrialized world, and the Clean Development Mechanism- an
emission-reduction-credit system-has also developed a significant
constituency. Because links between tradable permit systems can reduce
compliance costs and improve market liquidity, the possibility of
linking cap- and-trade systems to each other and to
emission-reduction-credit systems such as the Clean Development
Mechanism has generated considerable interest. We consider whether
linkage could pave the way for a future international agreement, play a
role as part of a future agreement, or substitute for an agreement. We
argue that linkage could promote the near-term goals of participation
and cost-effectiveness, while helping to build the foundation for a
more comprehensive future agreement to address global climate change.
Jaffe, Judson, Matthew Ranson, and Robert N. Stavins. "Linking Tradable Permit Systems: A Key Element of Emerging International Climate Policy Architecture." Ecology Law Quarterly 36.4 (2009): 789-808.