Boston Globe
July 19, 2012
There are Tiger Moms and Helicopter Moms and French Moms, and all sorts of labels to measure our adequacies as parents. But these moms have nothing on those who sacrifice in pursuit of a much-higher ideology. Now, thanks to Representative Michele Bachmann’s attempts to root out the Muslim Brotherhood’s “deep penetration” into the US government, the nation has been introduced to a new phenomenon: the Manchurian Mom.
According to the new wave of anti-Muslim accusations, America’s enemy takes the form of a woman in national security who marries a man outside her faith as a decoy to her real intentions, acquires political positions and access to policy makers through her assimilation, and subverts the nation’s interests while still propagating.
Kayyem, Juliette. "Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Muslim Paranoia." Boston Globe, July 19, 2012.