HKS Authors

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Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs


The Obama administration entered office with a theory of foreign policy that has failed the test of practice. Candidate Obama promised a responsible end to the war in Iraq. But in 2008 the war was won and Iraq on a fragile path to stability and alignment with the United States. His administration declared that it wanted a continuing presence of thousands of American troops in Iraq; in fact, it appears, he did not believe in his own policy. President Obama’s policy has thus left us today with no presence, no leverage, and no credibility with the Iraqi leadership. Iran uses Iraqi air space and roads to resupply the Assad dictatorship. Candidate Obama called Afghanistan a “war of necessity,” and promised to win it. But President Obama’s declaration of a date certain to end American combat operations discouraged our friends and heartened our enemies. Afghans, who know from bitter experience what abandonment can mean, are picking sides. In 2008 there were two “green on blue” attacks by Afghans against NATO forces. In the first nine months of 2012 there have been 33.


Cohen, Eliot A., Eric S. Edelman, and Meghen O'Sullivan. "Obama’s Failed Foreign Policy." Boston Globe, November 1, 2012.