Vol. 4, Issue 3
June 2012
At the request of the SOCOM Commander, the study authors deployed to the Philippines to examine Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (OEF-P). Since 2002, U.S. Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines (JSOTF-P) has partnered with Philippine forces to conduct counterterrorism operations. This campaign successfully targeted high-value individuals and also diminished conditions that gave rise to terrorism and insurgency. Success in this partnered operation was predicated upon contributions and adaptations from both the U.S. and the host nation. Overall, the U.S. was able to contain a terrorist threat and cement a strategic partnership with a small investment in boots on the ground. OEF-P offers critical lessons for the U.S. Government in a time of decreasing resources.
Lewis, Larry, MG (Ret) Geoffrey Lambert, and Sarah Sewall. "Operation Enduring Freedom—Philippines: Civilian Harm and the Indirect Approach." Prism 4.3 (June 2012).