HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP13-035
September 2013
How do partisan media affect polarization and partisanship? The rise of Fox News,
MSNBC, and hyper-partisan outlets online gives this question fresh salience, but in this paper,
we argue that the question is actually not new: prior to the broadcast era, newspapers dominated
American mass communication. Many of these were identified as supporting one party over the
other in their news coverage. While scholars have studied the composition and impact of the
partisan press during their 19th-century height, the political impact of the gradual decline of
these partisan papers remains relatively under-examined. The unnoted vitality and endurance of
partisan newspapers (which constituted a majority of American newspapers until the 1960s)
represents a huge hole in our understanding of how parties communicate. As a consequence of
this omission, scholars have ignored a potentially vital contributing factor to changing patterns
of partisan voting.
In this paper, we examine both the degree and influence of partisanship in historical
newspapers. We begin by content analyzing news coverage in the Los Angeles Times from
1885-1986 and the Atlanta Constitution from 1869-1945. To avoid problems of selection bias
and the absence of a neutral baseline of coverage in the coded news, we focus on a subset of
partisan news for which we have access to neutral coverage of a full population of potential
stories: the obituaries of U.S. Senators. By coding whether and how the papers covered the
deaths of these partisans over time, we are able to systematically test for bias. We then collect
information on newspaper editorial stances from Editor and Publisher’s Annual Yearbook to
examine the impact of newspaper partisanship on voting patterns in presidential elections from
1932-92. Specifically, we test whether the proportion of partisan news outlets in a given media
market explains changes in the rate of polarized voting.
Groeling, Tim, and Matthew Baum. "Partisan News Before Fox: Newspaper Partisanship and Partisan Polarization, 1881- 1972." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP13-035, September 2013.