Moving Forward: The Future of Consumer Credit and Mortgage Finance
The recent collapse of the mortgage market revealed fractures in the credit market that have deep roots in the system's structure, conduct, and regulation. The time has come for a clear-eyed assessment of what happened and how the system should be strengthened and restructured. Such reform will have a profound and lasting impact on the capacity of Americans to use credit to build assets and finance consumption.
Moving Forward explores what caused the crisis and, more important, focuses on the path ahead. The challenge remains the same as ever: protect consumers, ensure fairness, and guarantee soundness of the financial system without stifling innovation and overly restricting access to credit and consumer choice. Nicolas Retsinas, Eric Belsky, and their colleagues aim to stimulate debate based on analysis of the opportunities and challenges presented by the various components of global capital markets: financial engineering, risk assessment and management, specialization of financial intermediation, and marketing methods. The contributors—leaders in business, government, academia, and the nonprofit sector—discuss new research and ideas about the future of credit markets, including how improvements might be shaped by industry leaders.
Campbell, John Y., Howell E. Jackson, Brigitte C. Madrian, and Peter Tufano. "The Regulation of Consumer Financial Products: An Introductory Essay with a Case Study on Payday Lending." Moving Forward: The Future of Consumer Credit and Mortgage Finance. Ed. Nicholas P. Retsinas and Eric Belsky. Brookings Institution Press and the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies, 2010, 206-244.