Report for the U.S. Department of Energy
March 2015
The Secretary of Energy on December 20, 2013 established the Secretary of Energy Advisory
Board (SEAB) Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation (TFNN) and charged it to “advise the
DOE on future areas of emphasis for its nuclear nonproliferation activities by addressing the
following questions:
What are the current and likely future challenges to nuclear nonproliferation?
2. What should DOE be doing to help the United States Government prepare to meet those
What are DOE’s current areas of emphasis in nuclear nonproliferation?
4. In what ways should DOE’s nuclear nonproliferation efforts be modified and/or
5. What obstacles stand in the way of making the recommended changes in DOE’s nuclear
nonproliferation activities, and how might they be overcome?”
Carnesale, Albert, Matthew Bunn, John Deutch, Gary Samore, et al. "Secretary of Energy Advisory Board: Report of the Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation." Report for the U.S. Department of Energy, March 2015.