Finance & Development
Vol. 59, Issue 001, Pages 10-13
March 2022
As the COVID-19 crisis lingers, emerging market and developing economies are entering perilous waters that evoke memories of past debt defaults. Although all countries amassed debt to fight the pandemic, the economic recovery in these economies substantially lags their advanced economy counterparts. Tighter monetary policies in advanced economies are poised to push up international interest rates, which tends to put pressure on currencies and heighten the odds of default. To complicate matters, the extent of many emerging market and developing economy liabilities and their terms aren’t fully known. If they are to foster a sustained recovery and limit the risk of a crisis, they must make a full accounting of hidden debts, both public and private.
Pazarbasioglu, Ceyla, and Carmen M. Reinhart. "Shining a Light on Debt." Finance & Development 59.001 (March 2022): 10-13.