HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP10-047
December 2010
In this paper we provide a model of Research Joint Venture (RJV), and study the incentives
of competing firms to cooperate in product development. Firms that participate in the RJV
decide on the product components for joint development, i.e., they decide on how much to
cooperate. We consider three cases: (i) an RJV with an exogenous size and an endogenous
scope, (ii) an RJV with an endogenous size and an exogenous scope, and (iii) an RJV with an
endogenous size and scope. Using numerical simulations we show that, on average, there is a
negative relationship between the size and the scope of the RJV in both cases (i) and (ii). In
case (iii), we find a positive relationship between the equilibrium size and the equilibrium scope
of the RJV. Furthermore, both the equilibrium size and scope of the RJV are increasing with
the industry size.
Bourreau, Marc, Pinar Dogan, and Matthieu Manant. "Size of RJVs and Degree of Cooperation in Product Development." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP10-047, December 2010.