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Civic education in the nation's public schools has suffered neglect in recent years. In the 1960s, by no means a golden age, students usually took three civics courses in high school. Today many states do not require any civic education at all, and most of those that do, require no more than one course, often only a half course. There are some signs of renewal, and we note some promising developments below. But whether or not the decline is persisting, it is fair to say that civic education today gets less attention than it should in a health democracy. Civic education is subject to not-so-benign neglect.


Ben-Porath, Sigal, Amy Gutmann, and Dennis Thompson. "Teaching Competition and Cooperation in Civic Education." Civic Education in Polarized Times. Ed. Beaumont, Elizabeth, and Eric Beerbohm. New York University Press, 2024, 220-243.