HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP03-041
October 2003
Using experiments, we examine whether the decision to trust a stranger in a one-shot interaction is equivalent to taking a risky bet, or if a trust decision entails an additional risk premium to balance the costs of trust betrayal. We compare a binary-choice Trust game with a structurally identical, binary-choice Risky Dictator game with good or bad outcomes. We elicit individuals’ minimum acceptable probabilities (MAPs) of getting the good outcome such that they would prefer the chance to the sure payoff. First movers state higher MAPs in the Trust game than in situations where nature determines the outcome.
Bohnet, Iris, and Richard Zeckhauser. "Trust, Risk and Betrayal." KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series RWP03-041, October 2003.