HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP22-023
November 2022
The share of US residents who were born in Latin America and the Caribbean plateaued recently, after a half century of rapid growth. Our review of the evidence on the US immigration wave from the region suggests that it bears many similarities to the major immigration waves of the 19th and early 20th centuries, that the demographic and economic forces behind Latin American migrant inflows appear to have weakened across most sending countries, and that a continued slowdown of immigration from Latin America post-pandemic has the potential to disrupt labor-intensive sectors in many US regional labor markets.
Hanson, Gordon H., Pia Orrenius, and Madeline Zavodny. "US Immigration from Latin America in Historical Perspective." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP22-023, November 2022.