Bloomberg Government
May 24, 2011
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Red Sox fan or Yankees fan? Do you like rap music, or hate it?
Sometimes you just have to decide which side you’re on.
Do you favor a strong government, or a strong private sector? Here’s one crucial area where the choice -- however
routinely flagged as a fundamental cultural fault line -- is fundamentally fictitious.
While there are surely times and places where the private sector’s gain really is the
public sector’s loss, and vice versa, in today’s U.S. there’s no simple trade-off. When government is weak -- short on talent, insecure about its popular legitimacy -- it can only
do simple things.
And the simplest thing, when it comes to dealing with business, is to say “no” -- to pile
on regulations and prohibitions, to wipe out any risk (even if doing so stifles
opportunity), to keep a lid on anything that might trigger bad news or blame
Donahue, John D., and Richard J. Zeckhauser. "Why Smart Business Wants Strong Government." Bloomberg Government, May 24, 2011.