Showing results 21 - 30 of 964

Historic photo of a convening at the United Nations
Making a Movement
Linda Bilmes, Soroush Saghafian, Iris Bohnet, John Donahue, Jay Rosengard, John Haigh, Jason Furman, Jeffrey Frankel, Mark Fagan, Archon Fung, Sheila Jasanoff, Henry Lee, Jane Nelson, Mathias Risse
In 2023, the international community celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The creation of such a document—its mere existence—must…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Claudia Goldin
December 9, 2023, Video: "This year’s Nobel laureates are set to receive their medals Sunday in a time-honored ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. Among them will be Harvard professor…
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Sara Bleich
November 30, 2023, Paper: "The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released its annual…
Cass Sunstein listening and facing frame left
Cass Sunstein
November 20, 2023, Opinion: "More than at any other time since World War II, liberalism is under siege. On the left, some people insist that liberalism is exhausted and dying and…
Julia Battilana
Julie Battilana
2024, Book Chapter: "The public health crisis spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic has been anything but isolated: ithas revealed and deepened both economicand socialcrises…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
November 15, 2023, Paper: "It is painfully clear that South Africa is performing poorly, exacerbating problems such as inequality and exclusion. The economy’s ability to create…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
November 2023, Paper: "When South Africans threw off the structures of apartheid three decades ago, the nation captivated the world. The early 1990s marked a victory for…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Christopher Winship
October 2023, Paper: "Although sociologists and political philosophers have shared intellectual agendas, rarely do the insights of the two fields intersect. Sociologists develop…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Frank Dobbin
2023, Paper: "At the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of his dream of a future free from racial discrimination and animus. The next year…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Raj Chetty
October 2023, Paper: "There's no higher compliment, in my view, for an academic than seeing that your work has had a real impact on people's lives, so this conference is…