This seminar is designed to support MPP-2 students writing their Policy Analysis Exercise in the areas of business and government. The course is structured to support students as they identify the topic on which they will focus, clarify the problem they will be addressing, develop a strategy to gather information to address the problem, analyze their findings, develop recommendations, and produce the final product. Over the fall we will focus the class sessions on gaining an understanding of what a PAE is, clarifying the problem each student will address, and identifying and developing the research methods needed to study the problem. In the second semester we will focus on producing your final PAE: writing useful first drafts and refining them, effectively using graphics, and persuasively presenting your analysis and recommendations both orally and in writing. Students work individually or in small groups on a project that they select. Open only to MPP2 students.
Open to MPP2 students only. Please note, this is one half of a yearlong course. Students enrolled in the fall section will automatically be enrolled in the spring section.