Anne Collins Reflects on Her HKS Executive Education Experience 

Anne Collins is an alumna of the Leadership Decision Making executive education program.

Anne Collins

Associate Administrator for Enforcement,
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Why did you choose to attend a Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education program?

As a leader, I like to gain insight and perspective on my approaches and learn from both peers and scholars. This program provided an excellent opportunity for both.  

 What would you consider the key takeaways from the program?

Understanding choice architecture and the underlying biases and natural paradigms people go through in their decision-making process helps inform my approach to both designing regulatory programs and leading my team. By attending the class and witnessing how much the framing of an issue determines the attractiveness of choice options, I am better equipped to shape the messages I hope to get across.       

How have you implemented lessons from your executive program upon returning to your organization?

I have integrated choice architecture principles into my thinking. When I approach an issue or design outreach materials, I think through the relevant context and biases that tend to support the decision-making process.

How would you describe the value of HKS Executive Education to someone who is considering attending a program?

The HKS executive programs offer a special opportunity to reflect on your leadership approach and to learn from leaders from all over the world. You can both absorb new content, learn from world experts, and take time to reflect. This is very valuable in a world that is often reactive.     

Read more about our alumni and their accomplishments.